《英國Influx Gallery採訪》
So honored to participate in this Interview with by The Influx Gallery.
很榮幸參與Influx Gallery的採訪。
So honored to participate in this Interview with by The Influx Gallery.
很榮幸參與Influx Gallery的採訪。
Interview conducted by Jack Savage with the photographer Alex Fung - Represented by The Influx Gallery, Notting Hill, London
Jack Savage 對攝影師 Alex Fung 的採訪——由倫敦諾丁山 The Influx Gallery 代理
Q1. Welcome Alex to The Influx Gallery family. Tell us a little bit about yourself and where you are from?
Q1. 歡迎 Alex 加入 Influx Gallery 大家庭。 告訴我們一些關於你自己和你來自哪裡的信息?
A1. Thanks Jack for the warm welcome. It is a pleasure to join the Influx Gallery family. I am Alex Fung. I was born in Hong Kong, a city with high population, rapid development, fast pace, but also a desert of culture and art. I am searching for an oasis within the desert where allows me to live at my own pace.
A1.Jack Savage你好,很榮幸加入Influx Gallery這個大家庭。我叫Alex Fung各位可以叫我Alex。我來自於亞洲中的香港,一個人口稠密發展蓬勃生活節奏急促但同時亦是文化藝術沙漠的國際城市,而我正在沙漠中尋找容許我慢活的綠洲。
Q2. Were your family supportive of you deciding to become an artist?
Q2. 你的家人是否支持你決定成為一名藝術家?
A2. Growing up in a city focusing more on economy than creativity, my parents are one of the ordinaries, who care more on my financial ability than my interests or other possibilities. My family doesn’t support my art career, and I haven’t lived up to their expectation. Isn’t it a form of art to rethink and counter the immutable mindset?
Q3. Was there anything specific that you can remember that made you want to become an artist?
Q3. 有沒有什麼特別的事情讓你想成為一名藝術家?
A3. Instead of aiming to be an artist, I believe that I am chosen by art. I never intended to be an artist. Buy my sensitivity to beauty and details, also the seek of connotation and perfection have merged myself to art. It comes naturel to be an artist.
Q4. Did your schooling or work affect your creative development in any way?
Q4. 你的學業或工作對你的創造性發展有什麼影響嗎?
QA4. Although I’ve studied Visual Art at high school, I hadn’t been serious about the subject, and I hadn’t imagined myself working in any art related sectors. After I started my photography career, the seek of fine details and the urge of pushing boundary have merged my work toward art. It may be the interesting connection between myself and art. I believe the boundary in photography has encouraged myself to rethink and refine the ordinary and creativity.
Q5. When did you first discover photography?
Q5. 您第一次接觸攝影是什麼時候?
A5.My first experience with photography happened in a camping trip when I was in primary school. It recorded the beautiful memory of the trip. However, photography and I actually met after I started working. I bought a film camera because I was attracted by the design of it. I wasn’t good at it as I wasn’t sure about the theory of film camera. Since then, I work hard to develop my skills and unique aesthetic.
Q6. Are you very hands on with the processing of digital files?
Q6. 您是否非常擅長處理數字文件?
A6. I haven’t been practical for digital image editing, but it is important for the business. I have a lot of ideas that I want to show the world, so I have put quite a lot of effect to develop my editing skills.
Q7. Your photography is beautiful and poetically inspiring, particularly how you apply the genre of Fine Art to your wedding photography. How would you describe your own artistic aesthetic?
Q7. 您的攝影作品美麗而富有詩意,尤其是您如何將美術風格應用到您的婚紗攝影中。 你會如何描述你自己的藝術審美?
A7. I would describe my work as the composition of light with the texture of Renaissance, and the combination of contemporary architectural design aesthetic with Asian culture and religions. Comparing with the boundlessness of art, my wedding shoot focuses less on religions, but I still keep the individuality for the audience.
Q8. Could you give us a little teaser as to the process that helps you create such fabulous artworks?
Q8. 你能給我們介紹一下幫助你創作出如此美妙藝術品的過程嗎?
A8. “Dream” may describe the creative process of my work. Comparing with step-by-step development, my process is more like a flash of “dream” in my mind, and I just create the “dream” in reality.
Q9. Where do you get your inspiration and influences from?
Q9. 你從哪裡獲得靈感和影響?
A9. Daily life, religions, architecture, lighting from the nature are my inspirations. The more I know and understand, the deeper they influence me.
Q10. Do you have any tips for any inspiring wedding or portrait photographer who is using software, or picking up a camera for the first time?
Q10. 對於正在使用軟件或第一次拿起相機的鼓舞人心的婚禮或人像攝影師,您有什麼建議嗎?
A10. Everyone got their first time, and it’s usually full of frustration. However, the talented people are just the ones who never give up.
Q11. Your mastery of artistic Wedding Photography is unique and extremely visually arresting. What does the future hold for you and your fantastic art?
Q11. 您對藝術婚紗攝影的掌握是獨一無二的,並且極具視覺吸引力。 你和你的奇妙藝術的未來會怎樣?
A11. Future is full of fun and unknown, unpredictable just as the time when I started photography. I am the dream of my old self, and I cannot foresee the future of myself. I believe my future will be a dream for me at present. I just need to do my best.
Q12. Thanks a lot for your valuable time and interest. You can include any other details you want to talk about here?
Q12. 非常感謝您寶貴的時間和興趣。 您可以在此處包含您想談論的任何其他細節嗎?
A12. It’s a pleasure to be invited in this interview. The depth of the discussion has reminded me of the fun and the initial intention of my creative adventure. Hopefully there will be pleasant interviews in the future as well.
Link : https://www.influx-gallery.com/interviews/alex-fung
Link : https://www.influx-gallery.com/interviews/alex-fung
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