How to pick your wedding photography (1)
(Scroll down for English version)
然而市場上有很多不同的選擇,而很多準新人也是籌備婚禮的時候,才接觸婚禮攝影這一個圈子,一時間也未必了解那一種類型或者那位攝影師會合適自己。如果正在看這篇 blog 的你正正面對這一個情況,希望看完這幾篇 blog 可以幫助你更了解自己的需要。
香港婚禮攝影分為兩種,一種是 Pre-Wedding,即是婚禮前拍攝的婚紗照,一般會去不同的地點取景拍攝。而這幾年到國外取景拍攝,overseas 更是比留在本地拍攝更熱門,拍攝地點也由從前的旅遊熱點日本、泰國、韓國、法國、英國、美國;慢慢去到現在的冰島、土耳其、澳洲,加拿大等等。可能是因為可以藉著出國拍攝給自己和另一半多一個探索世界不同地方的機會,幾年後海外拍攝的地點也可能會有更多不同的選擇。
從前是沒有 Pre-Wedding 的,新郎只有在婚禮當天證婚的一刻,才會第一次看到新娘第一次著婚紗的樣子。 Pre-Wedding拍攝的出現,正正是為了更完美地拍攝新人穿上婚紗禮服的畫面而衍生出來,時至今日更演變到不一定要穿上婚紗拍攝才能叫婚紗相。
除了剛才說的那種婚禮攝影,另一種則是 Wedding Day 拍攝,也就是婚禮當日的拍攝,也是 Big Day 拍攝。婚禮日拍攝現時也有一些客人會選擇 overseas,常見的地點則有日本沖繩、泰國巴里,當中一些可能在外國讀書後定居的也可以是選擇在英國、美國或澳洲等等。最普遍的當然是在土生土長的香港舉辦和拍攝。
與 Pre-Wedding 不同,婚禮當日拍攝受制於婚禮當天舉行的儀式。相對於追求拍攝完美的畫面,更著重於婚禮當天的紀錄,攝影師會利用佢地拍攝的經驗和技巧,務求把婚禮當天每一個重要環節用各自不同的方式透過相片去演繹出來。如果用光線去比喻為拍攝時作畫的畫筆,婚禮日攝影師就更像一個講故事的說書人。而因為這兩種婚禮拍攝定為和取向的不同,在選擇這兩種婚禮拍攝時,考慮選擇那一位攝影師的因素也會很不同。
今次這篇 blog 為大家簡單介紹左兩大類婚禮攝影,下一篇將會正式講一講選擇 Pre-Wedding 攝影師上將會可以考慮那些地方。
I have talked about the wedding day in my previous two blogs. The upcoming blogs will change the subject and talk about before deciding on which photographer, which type of wedding photographer will better suit you.
There are many wedding photographers in Hong Kong. They all have various shooting styles. Some prefer natural captures, recording the guests’ real emotions. Some are good at artistic creation, creating unique wedding photos just for the couple. Some use their artistic touch to capture the most beautiful side of the couple etc.
There are so many different choices in the market, and many couples are new to wedding photography, only know about wedding photography after they start preparing for their wedding. They may not know which type of photographer will be suitable for themselves. If you are reading this blog and are facing this situation, I hope that after reading these blogs, you can better understand your needs.
There are two types of wedding photography in Hong Kong. One type is Pre-Wedding, i.e. wedding photos taken before the wedding. Normally Pre-Wedding will usually travel to different locations for the photoshoot. In recent years, overseas locations are more popular than local locations. The overseas location choices also changed from the former tourist hotspots e.g. Japan, Thailand, South Korea, France, United Kingdom, United States; to other places e.g. Iceland, Turkey, Australia, Canada, etc. Maybe because overseas Pre-Wedding can be an opportunity for the couple to travel and explore different parts of the world. There also may be more choices for overseas shooting locations in the coming years.
Previously, there was no Pre-Wedding photography, and the groom would only see the bride in a wedding dress on the wedding day for the first time. Pre-Wedding photography arose from allowing the couple to take better photos with their wedding gown beforehand. Nowadays, Pre-Wedding photography even evolved to taking photos without wearing a wedding gown.
In addition to Pre-Wedding photography, the other type is Wedding Day shooting, which is also known as Big Day shooting. Some couples nowadays will also choose to have overseas destination weddings. Common location includes Okinawa and Bari, some people may pick foreign countries of which they are living in after studies e.g. UK, US or Australia. The most common location is, of course, Hong Kong, where they are born and raised.
Unlike Pre-Wedding, Big day photography is subject to the type of ceremony held. Instead of capturing the perfect photo, the focus is to record the moments on the wedding day. With experience and skills, the photographer will use his own way to make sure every important moment is captured in the photos. If the light is compared as paintbrushes for painting, the photographer on the wedding day is more like a storyteller. And because the two types of wedding photography are with different purposes, the factors to consider which photographer will be very different too.
This blog introduced two major types of wedding photography, I will discuss more on the factors in choosing Pre-Wedding photographers in my next blog.

Thank you!